
Thursday 12 October 2017

Moong dal Payasam

First of all I apologize for such a delayed post!! I had been shifting too India and got quite occupied. Also had tough time in backing up files, coping with new system etc. As the saying says "Change is never Easy" right :) !!? However I am happy when I realized my first post from India is a sweet. I wish all readers happy deepavali and let your life be filled with lot of good and sweet changes like this post!!
PS: The post format might vary slightly soon I will be back with my usual template :). 

  • Moong dal - 3 Tbsp
  • Jaggery- 1/2 cup heaped
  • Milk- 1.5 cups
  • Thick coconut milk- 1/4 cup
  • Ghee- 2 Tsp
  • Nuts and raisins - few
  • Cardomom powder- A generous pinch
  1. Add ghee to the pressure pan and once it get hot roast the nuts and raisins till golden brown. Keep it aside. In same pan add moong dal and roast it in medium flame for few minutes.

  2. Once the dal gets roasted nicely, add 1 cup milk + 1/2 cup water and pressure cook the moong dal for 4-5 whistles. 
  3. Mash the cooked dal well and add jaggery and mix in medium flame. Once the jaggerry gets dissolved completely switch off flame. Add remaining milk, coconut milk and cardomom powder. 
  4. Garnish with raisins and serve. This measure serves 3 People.
  • You can skip coconut milk in case of un avalilability but it is recommended to get the rich taste.
  • If you find the kheer too thick dilute it by adding water or milk.
  • I used UHT milk. If you use ordinary milk add boiled milk.
  • Switch off after mixing jaggery to avoid curdling.
  • You can boil jaggery in little water and filter it in case of impurities.
Tastes great both when hot and chilled :)!!!

Thursday 14 September 2017

Vegetarian omelette

I have seen recipes of vegetarian omelette few years back while casually surfing in net. But at that time I din't have the interest to try it. Mostly I have seen my friends bringing omelette as a side dish for lunch and I never find it much appealing. I also assumed that dish would be difficult and time consuming. Recently I got chance to see how egg omelette is prepared in one of my friend house. I felt the process quite easy so decided to try eggless version for me!! The result was quite yummy and one of my eggetarian friend said it tasted good and quite similar to original version. Lets see my version of "vegetarian omelette/ Besan Cheela" .

Besan Cheela

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Breakfast
Difficulty level: Easy
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Servings: 4


1 cup
1 big sized
Cheese (optional)
A small piece
Pepper powder
2 Tsp
1 Tsp flat
2 Tbsp
Baking soda
1/4 Tsp
For greasing


     1.     Chop the onion and capsicum finely. Saute it in medium flame for few minutes and grate the cheese.

     1.     In mixing bowl add besan, curd, salt and mix well. Add water and make a thin batter with flowing consistency. The batter should not be too thin but slightly thin than dosa batter.

    2.     Heat pan and add baking soda to the batter just before you make the cheela. Pour the batter and add the sauted veggies, cheese and pepper powder. Add oil and cook for few minutes. Gently flip and cook the other side too.

     3.     Serve hot and enjoy the yummy vegan omelette!!


     ·         Batter consistency is very important. If its too thick the cheelas will be uncooked and if it is too thin the cheelas will stick to pan.
      ·         Be generous in adding baking soda as it is important in getting fluffy and soft texture.
      ·         Cheese is completely optional. You can even skip capsicum if its not available but onion and pepper is must.
     ·         I used to grind some flax seeds along with pepper to make the dish more healthy.
     ·         Tastes great on rainy evenings too. But I usually prefer it for breakfast since I find the dish very filling.  

I love to have it along with bread toast too :)!!! 


Wednesday 30 August 2017

Moong dal ladoo

This is the very first dish I tried making by myself. Start of my cooking journey during schooldays :D. My mom used to make it so often and I am big fan of this ladoo. So I got tempted and tried by myself failed few times later made it with help of my mom. In our home this is an integral part of Krishna Jeyanthi sweets. However after marriage I could not make it so often since my hubby is not a big fan of the moong dal taste :( . Recently got a chance to make it for a friends get to gather so I clicked the pics and here comes the recipe :) .

Moong dal ladoo

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweets/dessert
Difficulty level: Easy
Prep Time: --
Cook time: 30 mins
Servings: 15


Moong dal
1 cup
3/4 cup
1/3 cup

    1.     Roast the moong dal in medium flame for few minutes till its colour change slightly and nice aroma comes. Cool down and grind it to smooth powder.

     2.     Add cardamom to sugar and grind it to a smooth powder.

      3.     Mix both the powder well.

      4.     Melt the ghee and roast the cashew and raisins. Add this to the ground powder as shown.

     5.     Slowly add the ghee and mix well. Make small balls out of this mixture.

  6.     Store in airtight container and enjoy!!                                        

     ·         You can sieve the floor if you want the ladoo to be smooth. I prefer it bit coarse I skip sieving.
     ·         Add the ghee gradually to avoid excess ghee.
     ·         While preparing in bulk you can grind the floor in mills.
     ·         Stays good upto 10 days.  

Tasty ladoos ready to be served :)

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Which Oil For What??!!

This is one of the post I wanted to make for a long time. I thought it would be helpful to beginners. Even people who cook for long time might get some idea about which oil suits which dish most. I hope so :). Anyways since my camera was not available I had to make a post without clicking images hence decided to go with this one!! And being said this readers can understand the pics I used below are only for easy understanding. Have cited the websites for most of them. I have also given which brand I personally prefer :). Hope you find this post interesting and helpful!!

Image courtesy: Ghee store

Starting with my most favorite oil!! Extracted from sesame seeds this oil is so flavorful and has cooling effect. This oil works best for all pickles, gravies with strong tamarind base like vendhaya kuzhambu, vatha kuzhambu, kara kuzhambu etc. This oil is not used in general for making dosas or deep fried items. I prefer "Anjali" or "Pasu mark" brand in case I din't get organic ones (Chekku ennai).

Image courtesy:Organic Facts

 I started using this oil very recently after knowing it's health benefits. As the name suggests it is extracted from ground nuts. This oil works best for any south Indian vegetable stir fries, roast, making dosas etc. It gives great flavor to deep fried items like bhajji, pakoda etc. When you use this oil for deep fry remember to add a small pinch of tamarind while the oil gets heated. This will minimize the frothing when you fry the snacks. Any good organic brand works fine for me when it comes to this oil. 

Image courtesy:Coconut oil

As far I have observed this is another under used oil in our daily cooking. But I love to include this oil for any coconut based gravies (kootu), mor kuzhambu, while making adai dosa etc. Even for upma, sevai etc I usually add coconut oil at the end to enhance the flavor of the dish. If the oil is frozen as shown in the pic I find it more flavourful. Currently I use "Keral" brand.

Image courtesy:Ghee

Being Tam Brahm, Ghee is an integral part of our cuisine and I love it :). I use it to temper rasam, sambhar and while making rotis or ghee dosa. While making deep fried sweets adding little ghee makes huge difference. However always melt it to ensure best flavor and minimal usage. I love the home made ghee which my mom gives me whenever I visit home. Other times I mostly settle with "GRB Udhayam" ghee.

Image courtesy:Butter

Butter is mainly used in north indian cuisine for making parathas, pav bhaji and some rich gravies like PBM. Other than this I use it while making sandwich, cake,cookies and pastas at times. In south indian cooking we use it for making savoury items like thattai, murukku etc. Whenever you use butter ensure it is at room temperature. This will help to spread the butter easily and you won't end up adding more quantity. I generally go for "Milky mist" brand. 

This oil is again mainly used in north indian and bengali cuisines for making sabjis and gravies. It has a very strong flavour and this oil has heating effect in our body. Like ground nut oil this can also be used for deep frying pakodas etc. I use "PRO" brand.

Image courtesy: Olive oil

After gingelly oil this is my sceond favourite as its so flavorful, tasty and healthy too!!This oil renders great flavour to noodles, fried rice, sandwich, salad, pasta and many other international dishes. Though nowadays people use it for indian cuisine also I personally stick with this oil only when I make Italian, mexican or chinese dishes. Depending on your taste you can select a mild, normal or strong flavored oil. I use "BERTOLLI" brand.  

Image courtesy:Sunflower oil

This is an all purpose oil which can be used for any dish while stir frying as well as deep frying, making dosas etc. Since this oil do not have any particular flavour or taste we can use it anywhere. However that is the main reason which make me to minimize using this oil. I use it mostly for deep frying, tempering chutneys and for making cakes. I go for "Gold winner" brand. 

Reusing Oil : Usually after deep frying, It is better to let the oil cool down and filter it. This oil can be used to make dosa or any vegetable stir fries. 

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Rice Kheer

I learnt this recipe from my friend mala. The original recipe she shared used milk and sugar. Since I am super lazy and a big fan of anything made with milkmaid I altered the recipe this way. Whenever we make a north indian lunch menu I love to make this kheer for dessert. Do try this simple yet very rich kheer and share your feedback :).

Rice Kheer

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet/Dessert
Difficulty level: Easy
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 20 mins
Servings: 3-4


Basmati Rice
4 Tsp
1/2 Cup
Milk maid
1/2 Cup
Few strands
Cardamom Powder
A generous pinch
1 Tsp


     1.     Soak the basmati rice in hot water for 30 mins. In the mean time heat 1 Tsp ghee and roast the cashews and raisins in medium flame for few minutes. Once they turn golden switch off the flame.  

     1.     Roast the soaked basmati rice for few minutes and add 1/2 cup water. Cook till the rice become soft. Add more water if needed.

    2.     Once the rice gets cooked add the milk along with condensed milk and mix well.

    3.     Boil for few minutes till the desired consistency is reached. Add the cardamom powder and saffron stands.

     4.     Finally garnish with roasted nuts and serve. 

      ·         You can use raw rice too but basmati rice gives nice texture and flavour.
     ·         The kheer tastes good even without adding any flavouring agents (cardomom, saffron) or raisins. So you can skip these ingredients in case it's not available.
      ·         You can use pistachio, chironji seeds also for garnishing.
     ·         If you don't have condensed milk add 1 cup milk and 1/3 cup sugar. Milkmaid makes the process easier and gives very rich taste.
      ·         Adjust sweetness according to your taste. We love the kheer to be on sweeter side.    

Tastes best when served cold!!! :)